Published 13 September 2023
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‘PopCOP’ Activation Extend Public Participation in COP28

The UAE’s Year of Sustainability, in collaboration with COP28, launches 'PopCOP' a collection of community action events across the UAE, inviting all those who call the UAE home to explore, plan for and work towards the healthy, thriving future of our planet, and share their thoughts and hopes for action with the negotiators and leaders at COP28.

Designed for groups between 10 and 15 people, PopCOPs are structured to encourage participants to reconnect with the planet through immersive activities and meditative experiences; conduct a personal stocktake of their sustainable behaviours; learn design principles and application methods to achieve climate impact. Participants then share their reflections, along with their hopes and plans for action with the climate leaders and negotiators at COP28, through video messages that will be displayed at COP28 onsite and online.

These community action events are easy to organise and execute, and encourage members of the UAE public to learn about sustainability, mobilise solutions, and be part of the collective impact needed to mitigate climate change, making this the most inclusive COP event to date. Those interested in hosting their own PopCOPs can do so through the Year of Sustainability website, and download the Planning Kit, which contains all essential information needed to host a successful gathering.

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